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The Millalobo

– A being that is half sea lion, half man and has golden fur that shines when it reflects the rays of the sun. He prefers to dwell in the depths of the ocean, although he can also live in rivers, lakes and lagoons. He’s married to Huenchula, daughter of an old machi called Huenchur, and has three children, the Pincoya, the Pincoy and the Sirena (mermaid). He is considered the lord and master of the seas and all its inhabitants.

1. Where can the Millalobo live?
2. Who is the Millalobo married to?

Chilote cultural heritage

Movable tangible heritage consists of portable objects with their own value and which can function independently regardless of their surroundings. Stand out contributions to Chilote culture include their handicrafts and clothing, among others.
Immovable tangible heritage consists of buildings or houses, large works of engineering and archeological sites. In Chiloe, stilt houses and wooden churches are the most typical types of buildings.

1. What is movable tangible heritage?
2. What are the most characteristic buildings in Chiloe?

An identity of their own

Palafitos (stilt houses) are homes erected over pillars or stilts on the shores of the sea, lakes and lagoons. In Chiloe, they can only be found in the city of Castro.
Chilote churches were built out of wood between the XVIII and XX century. In December of 2000 and June of 2001, 16 of these churches were named World Heritage Sites by Unesco.

1. What are stilt houses?
2. What are chilote churches made of?