A Rainy Country
This nation takes up 82% of the island located to the west of Great Britain. Its geography comprises a central plateau with some lakes in the north, centre and south, as well as some hills and mountains. One of these is Carauntoohill, the highest peak in the country at 1,041 meters above sea level. Some of the most important rivers are Shannon and Boyne, and Loughs and Mask are large lakes.
Ireland is often rainy and foggy. Temperatures range between -8º and 30º C.
The Celtic Tiger
Ireland’s economic wealth has increased by 350% in the last ten years, reaching nearly 680 billion euros (one Euro is equivalent to 690 pesos) and exceeding that of traditional powers like France, the United Kingdom and Germany. The main economic drivers are the industrial and service sectors, and its most important exports consist of pharmaceutical and chemical products, as well as computers and a diverse range of machinery. This great economic leap has earned it the nickname of «Celtic Tiger».
Coastal Population.
A great part of the Irish population lives in coastal cities along the east coast of the island, with the exception of Limerick, located in the centre, and Galway, located on the western coast. Despite having been invaded by different races and cultures, the population’s ethnic composition is mainly of Celtic and English lineage.
A full republic
The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed in 1949 (although the constitution currently in force is from 1937), when it permanently left the Commonwealth. The functions of the Executive branch are mainly exercised by the President, elected by popular suffrage and the Prime Minister who is named by the President. The Senate, made up of 166 senators,11 of whom are named by the prime minister, and the Lower House, with 166 members, form the Legislative branch.
The Supreme Court is the main institution of the Judiciary.
For administrative purposes, Ireland is divided into 26 counties.