In the last years, this region tourist sector has had a meaningful upturn concerning the number of visitors. The main destinies are the Arica beaches, the protected zones such as Lauca National Park, Las Vicuñas National Reservation and the Natural Monument Salar de Surire.
Attractions in the city of Arica
– Morro de Arica: this rocky formation measuring 130 meters of height is the maximum symbol of the city. In its summit there is a plaza, a lookout, a Weaponry Historical Museum and the Christ of Peace.
– Museo San Miguel de Azapa: located in the Azapa Valley, at 12 km from Arica,. This place protects a cultural patrimony that comprises more than 10.000 years of history, such as and for example, the famous mummies Chinchorro ( the world’s oldest)
– Museo del Mar: it was founded on October 2006 and is located in the city’s downtown. Among other things, it has a great collection of sea shells from different parts of Chile and the world.
– Cathedral de San Marcos: this building was commissioned by the Peruvian President Jose Balta to the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, after the matrix church was destroyed by the 1868 earthquake, it was declared National Historical Monument in 1984.
– Beaches: the best well-known and crowded are the ones Chinchorro, Las machas, El Laucho, La Lisera, Playa Brava, Arenuillas Negras, La Capilla, Corazones y La Liserilla.
Province of Parinacota
The main interesting tourist places of this province are:
– Putre: commune situated at 145 km from Arica anda t 3.500 masl and which origins dates from the XVI century endings. Putre is well known for iys beautiful church, which was built in 1670. Other of its attractions are the cultivation terraces, it’s paved with stones streets and some houses that still maintain portals and lintels.
– Lauca Nacional Park: created in 1970, is located at 192 km from Arica in the community of Putre and has a surface of 137.883 hectares. It was declared Biospheric World Reservation in 1981. Its main attractions are the Chungara Lake, the Payachatas Snows, Las Cuevas springs, the Cotacotani lagoons, among others.
– Lake Chungara: located within the Lauca National Park, is located at 4.517 masl, with a surface of 21, 5 km2 and a deepness of 33 meters. Its surrounded by the Payachatas Snows and in it inhabits flamingos and a great variety of other birds.
– Socoroma: is a village of pre-Colombina origin located at 30 km from Putre anda t 3.060 masl. It has only 132 inhabitants and is characterized for its colonial constructions.
– Belen: is a location that is at 3.240 masl and located at 60kms from Putre. It was founded by the Spaniards in 1625 and in its plaza is the church which is smallest and oldest of the zone.
– Tignamar: is located at 23 kms from Belen at 3.100 masl and was constructed replacing the old Tignamar, swept away by a river flood, surviving only the church. This latter, on each August, 15th. Celebrates the Asuncion de la Virgen.
– Chilcacahua Creek: in this sector there are various cultivation terraces, which have become a tourist attraction. Its main plantations are lucern, oregano, and potatoes among other vegetables.
– Nevadosa de Putre: is a pre Andean ranges massif conformed by the Tarapaca and Ancoma volcanoes (that surmount the 5.500 masl) and that is located near Putre.
– Alero de Vilacaurani: is a great rock located eastwards Putre at 3.600masl. In it there are cave pictographs carvings, for example, scenes of camelids with feline figures and human representations.
– Termas de Chitune: are located in the nearness of Saxamar (at 86 km from Putre) anda t a height of 3.100 masl. Its waters contains a high content of arsenic and its average temperature is of 29,5° C.
– Caquena: is a small locality located at 72 kms from Putre anda t 4.600 masl. Its principal attraction is the churchy (built in the XVI century) in which every August 30s is celebrated Santa Rosa.
– Cosapilla: is located at 34 km south of Visviri and is the last village of the Coqueta wetland. Its church was built in the XVII in homage to the Virgen del Rosario.
– Pachama: this village is located in the San Andres Creek (68 km from putre). Its main feature is that every November 29th, its adobe church (built in the XVII century) plays host to the celebration of patron saint Andres
– Guallatiri: it is a village located approximately 80 km from Putre, in front of the volcano that bears the same name. Its main highlight is its XVII church, which has a bell tower with pinnacles (cone-shaped ornaments) in its corners.
– Las Vicuñas National Reserve: it was created in March of 1983 to safeguard the vicuñas, which were being overexploited, mainly for their fur. It is located in the comuna of Putre and has a total surface area of 209,131 hectares.
It has a dry climate characterized by rains in summer and snow in winter.
– Calidad de Saxamar: it is located 86 km from Putre and at an altitude of 3,100 masl. Its waters have a high arsenic content and the average temperature is 29.5 degrees Celsius.
– Caquena: it is a small town located 72 km from Putre and at an altitude of 4,600 masl. Its main attraction is the Church (built in the XVI century) that hosts a celebration for Saint Rosa every August 30th.
– Cosapilla: it is located 34km south of Visviri and is the final town in the Caquena wetland. Its church was built in the XVII century to honor the Virgen del Rosario.
– Pachama: this village is located in the San Andres Creek (68 km from putre). Its main feature is that every November 29th, its adobe church (built in the XVII century) plays host to the celebration of patron saint Andres
– Guallatiri: it is a village located approximately 80 km from Putre, in front of the volcano that bears the same name. Its main highlight is its XVII church, which has a belltower with pinnacles (cone-shaped ornaments) in its corners.
– Las Vicuñas National Reserve: it was created in March of 1983 to safeguard the vicuñas, which were being overexploited, mainly for their fur. It is located in the comuna of Putre and has a total surface area of 209,131 hectares.
It has a dry climate characterized by rains in summer and snow in winter.
Traditional expressions
Several religious and pagan festivities are held in this region. For example, for the aimara people, religious celebrations are closely linked to worshipping images or economic activities. Its main celebration, which is held in the interior part of Arica, is for the Virgen de las Peñas (it takes place the first Sunday of October). There is also the Fiesta Chica, which is held on December 8th.
Other important festivities for these people are:
– Carnaval or Anata: it is held in February and represents the beginning of farming, as well as being a time for love and new marriages.
– Aimara new year: also known as Machaq Mara. Offerings are made to the Tati Inti, marking the end of a farming cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Other similar expressions held in the region of Arica y Parinacota are:
– Pachallampe: it is an agricultural celebration that takes place in Putre, Socoroma, Belen, Chapiquiña and Pachama between October and November.
During this celebration, the sowing of the potato is represented, and permission is asked from the Pachamama (mother earth in aimara) to plant.
In addition, petitions are made for plentiful rains that contribute towards an abundant harvest. When the sowing is done, the Pachallampe dance begins.
– Carnaval Con la fuerza del Sol (Carnival with the strength of the sun): in February, the streets of Arica play host to this colorful celebration. The festivity brings together Chilean, Bolivian and Peruvian groups as well as townspeople. They have prepared for weeks, and get together to dance and sing.