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Urinary apparatus and kidneys

– The urinary apparatus consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureters and the urethra. It is in charge of filtering substances found in the blood and disposing of substances that are useless through urine.
– The kidneys are the organs that filter blood and capture the chemical waste generated by cellular activity.

Which organs make up the urinary apparatus?
What is the function of the kidneys?

Bladder and passage ducts

– The bladder is a pouch where urine coming from the kidneys is stored.
– Ureters are two ducts that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder and the urethra is where urine passes through before being expelled to the outside.
– Urine is a liquid that contains chemical waste substances and excess water found in blood.

What is stored in the bladder?
Where is urine expelled to the outside from?
What does urine contain?

Rectum and anus

– The rectum contains a mucous coating that facilitates the advancement of waste towards the anal orifice.
– The anus has three muscles: the external and internal sphincters and the levator muscle of the anus.
– Feces are made up of indigestible compounds found in food, certain bacteria and other organic waste.

What facilitates the advancement of feces in the rectum?
Which muscles are found in the anus?
What are feces?