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1.- Which is the capital of the region of Maule?

a) Curico
b) Cauquenes
c) Talca
d) Linares

Correct response: c

2.- Where does the Maule river flow into?

a) north of the city of Constitucion
b) near the beach town of Iloca
c) into Vichuquen lake
d) south of Llico

Correct response: a

3.- What type of forest appears in the Coastal mountain range?

a) coastal sclerophyll
b) evergreen
c) temperate
d) deciduous

Correct response: d

4.- Which is the main beach community of the coast of Curico?

a) Pelluhue
b) Curanipe
c) Constitucion
d) Iloca

Correct response: d


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