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1.- On what day was father Alberto Hurtado canonized by pope Benedict XVI?

a) October 16th, 1994
b) October 15th, 2004
c) October 23rd, 2005
d) October 22nd, 2006

Correct response: c

2.- Who founded the Central Unica de Trabajadores (Workers’ Union) (CUT)?

a) Clotario Blest
b) Diego Barros Arana
c) Manuel Jose Irarrazaval
d) Jaime Castillo Velasco

Correct response: a

3.- Which Pacific war battles did Diego Duble Almeyda participate in?

a) Miraflores, Dolores and Los Angeles
b) Miraflores and Chorrillos
c) Miraflores, Los Angeles and Chorrillos
d) Los Angeles, La Concepcion and Dolores

Correct response: b

4.- After the printing press arrived to Chile in 1812, who was named editor of the La Aurora de Chile newspaper?

a) Jose Miguel Infante
b) Mariano Egaña
c) Juan Egaña
d) Fray Camilo Henriquez

Correct response: d

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