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In the eighteenth chapter of the Great Encyclopedia of Chile we have gotten to know some of the festivities and monuments of our country, as well as the main characteristics of national gastronomy.

Chilean festivities

– The Vigen del Carmen de la Tirana de Tarapaca (Our Lady of Mount Carmel of the Tirana of Tarapaca) is honored during the La Tirana festival.
– Giving the holy communion to the sick and the bedridden is the objective of the celebration of Quasimodo.
– Every June 28th, fishermen celebrate the day of their patron saint, Saint Peter. In order to do so, they perform a procession with the saint, which is even done through the sea on boats that are decorated especially for the occasion.

National monuments

– National monuments are classified into five categories. They are: historical monuments, typical zone, nature sanctuary, archeological monument and public monument.
– To this date there are 633 furnishings and pieces of real estate that have been catalogued as historical monuments.
– The araucaria (Monkey-Puzzle), the Chilean huemul, the Andean condor and the Juan Fernandez Firecrown are a fewof the species that have been labeled natural monuments.

Chilean gastronomy

– The influence of Spanish and French cooking has been determinant in the conformation of a national gastronomy.
– A few typical dishes of Chilean cuisine are the cazuela, the caldillo de congrio (conger chowder) and the curanto, among others.