– The Region of Valparaiso is divided into seven administrative provinces: Petorca, San Felipe de Aconcagua, Quillota, Los Andes, Valparaíso, San Antonio and Easter Island. The area has a surface of 16,396.1 km2 and extends between latitudes 32° 02′ and 33°57′, latitude south, and from the meridian 70° west to the Pacific Ocean. Its northern border of the Coquimbo Region, east by Argentina, on the southeast by the Metropolitan Region, at a short distance south of the Region of O’Higgins and west by the Pacific Ocean. Its capital is the city of Valparaiso.
– The Metropolitan Region of Santiago has six provinces: Santiago, Cordillera, Chacabuco, Maipo, Melipilla and Talagante. It lies between the 32º55′ and the 34º19′ south latitude, and between the 69º46’and the 71º43′ west longitude. Its surface is of 15,403.2 km2 and it limits to the north and to the east with the Valparaiso Region, to the East with Argentina and to the south with the O’Higgins Region. The city of Santiago is the capital of the region as well of the country.
– The O’Higgins Region is located between paralels 33º51′ and 35º01′ south latitude and paralel 70º02′ west longitude and the Pacific Ocean. Its regional capital is the city of Rancagua and it is divided in three provinces: Cachapoal, Cardenal Caro and Colchagua. Its surface is of 16,387km2 and it limits with the Regions of Valparaiso and the Metropolitan Region to the north, with the Maule Region to the south, to the east with Argentina and to the west with the Pacific Ocean.
– The Maule Region stretches between paralels 43º41′ and 36º33′ of south latitude and from meridian 70º20′ of west longitude towards the Pacific Ocean. It limits to the north with the O’Higgins Region, to the south with the region of Bio Bio, to the east with Argentina and to the west with the Pacific Ocean. Its surface is of 30,296,1 km2 and it is divided for adminstrative reasons into four provinces: Curicó, Talca, Linares and Cauquenes. Its Capital is Talca.