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Alterations in the perception of odors and flavors are the types of disorders seen the most and they prevent proper communication with our environment, but they do not endanger the lives of those who suffer them.

Some people are born with chemosensory alterations, although most taste and smell afflictions are due to diseases in the respiratory pathways, hormonal disorders, odontology problems or head injuries. Other disorders are caused by exposure to chemical substances or due to the use of medication, as well as tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Taste disorders

A few diseases that affect the sense of taste are:
Ageusia: loss or reduced capacity of the sense of taste. It is due to trauma suffered by the tongue, like burns or facial paralysis.
Dysgeusia: distortion of the flavors of foods and beverages.
Hypogeusia: it prevents the tasting and differentiation between the basic flavors.

Smell disorders

The most common ones are:
Anosmia: loss or decrease of olfaction.
Sinusitis: inflammation of the mucosa found on the paranasal sinuses.
Polyps: benign tumors found on the membranes of irritated mucosa.
Rhinitis: it affects nasal mucosa and can be a sign of allergies. 

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