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1.- Which comunas (counties) belong to the province of Arauco?

a) Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Alamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirua
b) Los Alamos, Cañete, Contulmo, Angol Arauco, Curanilahue and Tirua
c) Contulmo, Angol Arauco, Curanilahue, Cañete, Tirua and Los Ángeles
d) Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Alamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Lota

Correct response: a

2.- Which is the name given to the Coastal mountain range when it runs into the Biobio river?

a) Biobio mountain range
b) Domeyko mountain range
c) Nahuelbuta mountain range
d) Southwestern mountain range

Correct response: c

3.- Which are the most populated comunas (counties) in this region according to statistics from the 2002 Census?

a) Concepcion, Talcahuano, Chillan and Talca
b) Concepcion, Antuco, San Rosendo and Quilaco
c) Concepcion, Talcahuano, Arauco and Chillan
d) Concepcion, Talcahuano, Los Angeles and Chillan

Correct response: d

4.- Which national monuments are in the province of Ñuble?

a) Casona Eyheramendy (Eyheramendy Mansion), Santa Juana de Guadalcazar Fort and the San Juan de Dios Hospital Chapel
b) the San Juan de Dios Hospital Chapel, Arturo Prat’s house of birth and the murals by Siqueiros and Guerrero
c) Casona Eyheramendy (Eyheramendy Mansion), Chivilingo Hydroelectric Power Plant and the murals by Siqueiros and Guerrero
d) Santa Juana de Guadalcazar Fort, the San Juan de Dios Hospital Chapel and Arturo Prat’s house of birth

Correct response: b

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