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– Muscles are contractile organs and their main function is to perform the movements of the body, like walking, running, making gestures, etc.
– The basic building block of the internal structure of a muscle is muscle fiber. The external part is made up of three structures: insertions, the muscle belly and tendons.

– What is the main function of muscles?
– What is the basic building block of the internal structure of muscle?

Types of muscles

– There are three types of muscles: skeletal (they move the body), smooth (they are found in the internal organs) and cardiac (only found in the walls of the heart).
– Depending on where they are within the body, muscles can be classified into superficial or deep.

– Which are the different types of muscles?
– In which other way can muscles be classified?

Muscles of the body

– The muscles of mastication and the facial muscles are located around the head area.
– The muscles of the abdomen help move the trunk and support and protect the internal organs.
– The muscles of the upper limbs are found in the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand.

– What is the function of the muscles of the abdomen?
– Where are the muscles of the upper limbs located?