In the Region of Atacama are given two hydro graphic conditions. First, in the Andes Ranges, with an endorreic feature (does not flow into the sea), and, second, in the valleys, with exorreic features (reaching the sea).
The endorreics are northwards the Copiapo river, where we can find several saltpans, such as Pedernales and the Maricunga. To which can be added the Verde, Santa Rosa and Negro Francisco lagoons, lodging a great fauna variety, mainly birds.
The exorreic has a scarce flow and its feeding regime is rainfall (or mix), in other words, they consume water coming from the snow thawing and the scarce precipitations registered in this zone.
This region’s main water systems are:
– The Salado Creek: This is the boundary between the endoreic and exoreic water systems. With a 175 km length and a 8.000 km water riverbed. Its flow is, generally, almost dry, thou, its flow rises during the high plateau winter (January-February)
– The Copiapo River: with near a 150 km length and an 18.407 km2 riverbed. It has a 1, 9 m3/s flow and its main tributaries are the Jorquera, Pulido and Manflas rivers.
– Huasco River: with, approximately, 200 km length and a 9.960km2 basin. Is born from the Transito and Carmen river union. Its flow is 3, 25 m3/s, bigger than the Copiapo river.