has a surface of 16.396,1 km2 (which is the 2, 7% of American and Islander Chile).
It has 1.539.852 inhabitants which is equivalent to the 10, 2% of the national total and the regional density is 93, 91 inhab/km2.
Its capital city is Valparaiso and is divided administratively in seven provinces, Petorca, San Felipe of Aconcagua, Quillota, Los Andes, Valparaiso, San Antonio and Eastern Island.
The province of Petorca has a surface of 4.588,9 km2 and 70.610 people lives in it and is divided in five communities: Petorca, Cabildo, La Ligua, Papudo and Zapallar.
San Felipe of Aconcagua has a surface of 2.659,2 km2 and 131.911 inhabitants.
Is divided in six communities: Putaendo, Santa Maria, San Felipe, Catemu, Panquehue and Llaillay.
Quillota has a surface of 1.638,7 km2 and 229.241 inhabitants. It has seven communities: Nogales, La Calera, Hijuelas, La Cruz, Olmué, Limache and Quillota.
The province of Los Andes has a surface of 3.054,1 km2 and 91.683 people inhabit it.
It has four communities: San Esteban, Los Andes, Calle Larga and Rinconada.
The province of Valparaiso has a surface of 2.780 km2 and is the most populated, with 876.022 inhabitants. Is has nine communities: Puchuncaví, Quintero, Concón, Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Casablanca, Quilpué, Villa Alemana and the archipelago Juan Fernandez (including San Felix and San Ambrosio islands).
The province of San Antonio has a surface of 1.511,6 km2 and a population of 136.594 persons.
It has six communities: Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo, Cartagena, San Antonio and Santo Domingo.
Eastern Island has a surface of 163, 6 km2 and 3.791 inhabitants. It has a single community: Eastern Island (including the Salas and Gomez islands).
The Region of Valparaiso is the country third most populated after the Metropolitana and the region of Biobio.
Under the geographic standpoint of view: the islands of Pascua, Salas and Gomez, San Felix and San Ambrosio and the archipelago Juan Fernandez are in front of the Region of Atacama, but administratively depending on this region.
Its provinces
As above mentioned, this region is divided in seven provinces:
Petorca, San Felipe, Quillota, Los Andes,
Valparaiso, San Antonio and Eastern Island.
The capital of the province of Petorca is La Ligua including the following communes:
Petorca: has a surface of 1.516,6 km2 and 9.440 inhabitants.
Cabildo: there are 9.466 inhabitants and has a surface of 1.455 km2.
La Ligua: it has 5.659 inhabitants and a surface of 288 km2.
Papudo: it has 4.608 inhabitants with a surface of 165, 6 km2.
Zapallar: it has 5.659 inhabitants and a surface of 288 km2.
The capital of the ¨Province of San Felipe of Aconcagua is San Felipe and includes the following communities:
Putaendo: it reaches a surface of 1.474,4 km2 with 14.649 inhabitants.
Santa Maria: it has 12.813 inhabitants and a surface of 166, 3 km2.
San Felipe: its surface is 185, 9 km2 and 64.126 inhabitants are the total population.
Catemu: it has 12.122 inhabitants and a surface of 361,6 km2.
Panquehue: its surface is 121, 9 km2 and 6,567 inhabitants are the total population.
Llaillay: there are 21.644 inhabitants and has a surface of 349, 1 km2.
The capital of the province of Quillota is the likewise named which includes the following communities:
Nogales: its surface is 405, 2 km2 and 21.633 inhabitants.
La Calera: reaches a surface of 60, 5 km2 and a total population of 49.503 inhabitants.
Hijuelas: it has 16.014 inhabitants and a surface of 267, 2 km2.
La Cruz: with a surface of 78, 2 km2 and a total population of 12.851 inhabitants.
Olmué: there are 14.105 inhabitants and has a surface of 231, 8 km2.
Limache: its surface is 293, 8 km2 and has 39.219 inhabitants.
Quillota: it has 75.916 inhabitants and a surface of 302 km2.
The capital of the province of Los Andes is the homonymic city and includes the following communities:
San Esteban: with a surface of 1.361,6 km2 and 14.400 inhabitants as its total population.
Los Andes: it has 60.198 inhabitants and a surface of 1.248,3 km2.
Calle Larga: reaches a surface of 321, 7 km2 and 1.248,3 inhabitants are its total population.
Rinconada: has 6.692 inhabitants and a surface of 122, 5 km2.
The capital of the province of Valparaiso is the likewise named city and includes the following communities:
Puchuncavi: with a surface of 299, 9 km2 and 12.954 inhabitants.
Quintero: it has a total population of 21.174 inhabitants and a surface of 147, 5 km2.
Concon: has a surface of 76 km2 and 32.273 inhabitants.
Viña del Mar: it has 286.931 inhabitants and a surface of 121, 6 km2.
Valparaiso: is has a surface of 401,6 km2 and 275.982 inhabitants as its total population
Casablanca: there are 21.874 inhabitants and a surface reaching 952, 5 km2.
Quilpue: with a surface of 536, 9 km2 and 128.578 inhabitants.
Villa Alemana: the total population is 95.623 inhabitants and a surface of 96, 5 km2.
Juan Fernandez: it has a surface of 147, 5 km2 and 633 inhabitants.
The capital of the province of San Antonio is the likewise named city and includes the following communities:
Algarrobo: 8.601 inhabitants are the total population and has a surface of 175, 6 km2.
El Quisco: it has a surface of 50, 7 km2 and 9.467 inhabitants.
El Tabo: it has 7.028 inhabitants and a surface reaching the 98, 8 km2.
Cartagena: with a surface of 245, 9 km2 and 16.875 inhabitants as the total population.
San Antonio: it has 87.205 inhabitants and a surface of 404, 5 km2.
Santo Domingo: its surface embraces 536,1 km2 and has 7.418 inhabitants.
The capital of the province of Eastern Island is Hanga Roa and has a single community:
Eastern Island: its surface is 163, 6 km2 and has 3.791 inhabitants, out of which 1.985 are men and 1.806 are women.