The stomach
Its shape is similar to a J-shaped pouch. It is located beneath the ribs, in the upper portion of the abdominal cavity, to the bottom left of the liver. Is a hollow organ with a capacity to increase its size up to 20 times. It receives the food that has been semi-grinded-up and mixed in […]
Region of Tarapaca, a new order
The Region of Tarapaca is located between the 18°56´ and the 21°36´ latitude south and from the 68°24´ longitude west until the Pacific ocean.. Limiting northwards with the Region de Arica y Parinacota, southwards with the Region de Antofagasta, and eastwards with Bolivia and westwards with the Pacific ocean. Its surface reaches the 42.225, 8 […]
The digestive system
Our body needs to obtain energy to live and perform an assortment of activities everyday. The digestive system has the essential task of processing all of the food we intake, converting it chemically to only absorb the substances the body needs, due to the functions performed by each of its organs. Mouth digestion Food is […]
Bueras, Santiago
He was born on May 7th of 1786 in Petorca (Region of Valparaiso). His parents were Francisco Bueras de la Maza, a farmer of the zone, and Josefa Avaria. At the age of twelve, he was enrolled in the Seminario del Santo Angel de la Guarda school, in Santiago. Later, in 1802, he entered to […]
Chile’s southern charm
The far south Chilean Patagonia takes up the Region of Aisen del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo and the Region of Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena (Chilean Antarctica). – The Region of Aisen del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo is administratively split into four provinces, Aisen, Coihaique (regional capital), General Carrera and Capitan Prat. […]
Centennial of Chile
Prior to the one hundred year anniversary of the First Government Junta, a special work group was put together to organize the celebration of Chile’s Centennial. Precisely in 1894, the Centennial of the Republic Commission was established, whose task was to propose projects and special activities for the festivities. Later, in 1905, a new commission […]
Multiple choice Test
1.- What is the name given to the 200 mile maritime zone in which we enforce our sovereignty and where we can take advantage of the present resources? a) territorial sea b) on-site sea c) exclusive economic zone d) international sea Correct response: c 2.- Which factors contribute to the existence of a wide variety […]
History and Geographical Features
Early inhabitants The people that inhabited the central regions of the country are known to have lived in the early and later stages of the Agricultural ceramic period. – Llolleo Culture (300-800 ad): this people developed between Choapa (Coquimbo Region) and Cachapoal (O’Higgins Region) rivers during the early Agricultural ceramic period. They were hunters, collectors […]