Centennial of Chile
Prior to the one hundred year anniversary of the First Government Junta, a special work group was put together to organize the celebration of Chile’s Centennial. Precisely in 1894, the Centennial of the Republic Commission was established, whose task was to propose projects and special activities for the festivities. Later, in 1905, a new commission […]
Multiple choice Test
1.- What is the name given to the 200 mile maritime zone in which we enforce our sovereignty and where we can take advantage of the present resources? a) territorial sea b) on-site sea c) exclusive economic zone d) international sea Correct response: c 2.- Which factors contribute to the existence of a wide variety […]
History and Geographical Features
Early inhabitants The people that inhabited the central regions of the country are known to have lived in the early and later stages of the Agricultural ceramic period. – Llolleo Culture (300-800 ad): this people developed between Choapa (Coquimbo Region) and Cachapoal (O’Higgins Region) rivers during the early Agricultural ceramic period. They were hunters, collectors […]
Bicentennial of Chile
Background of the First Government Junta Since the XVI century, Chilean territory was a colony of the Spanish crown. The authorities came from Spain and the political participation of criollos (people born in Chile) was limited. Back in those days, the ideas and principles that inspired the French Revolution (1789) had already reached our country. […]
Us, the Chileans
If we compare the last censuses performed in the country, one may state that the population has grown at a fast rate. According to data collected in the XIX century, Chile had a population of only 2.7 million inhabitants, while in the last census, conducted in 2002, there were 15,116,435 Chileans accounted for. Of that […]
An island rich in tradition
Physical characteristics Easter island’s geographical relief is volcanic in origin and consists of gradual elevations and sheer cliffs that drop straight down to the ocean in some places. There are three major inactive volcanoes on the island, Maunga Terevaka (511 masl), Poike (370 masl) and Rano Kau (324 masl). If you connect all three with […]
Legends from peasant tradition
Llacolen Back in the times of governor Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, in the south of the country the armed conflict between the mapuches and the Spanish was underway. In the Concepcion area, where the San Pedro Chica lagoon is nowadays, lived Llancolen, a young beautiful mapuche who was the daughter of toqui (chief) Galvarino. The […]
Protocols, complementary agreements
The term protocol is often used to describe less agreements that are less formal than, treaties, agreements or conventions, although they have the same legal characteristics. In general, they complement, expand or clear up a multilateral treaty and their advantage lies in that they focus on a specific detail of that agreement in greater detail. […]
Gateway to the north of Chile
As we said in issue 7, the Greater North is made up by the regions of Arica y Parinacota, Tarapaca and Antofagasta. The Region of Arica y Parinacota is administratively divided into two provinces, Arica (the regional capital) and Parinacota. It is located between the 17º30′ and 19º14′ southern latitude points and from the 68º50′ […]
Chiloe: a natural area for tourism
A unique place Chiloe’s tourism industry is sustained on two great pillars: beautiful natural surroundings and unique cultural attractions. Many different ecosystems coexist on this archipelago, making it a one-of-a-kind place, home to endemic plant and animal species. Its rugged relief makes for eye-catching scenery, such as natural coastal rock formations, lakes, lagoons, rivers and […]