The female reproductive system has two main functions: to receive the male sex cells, creating the necessary conditions to allow one of them to unite with a female sex cell, and to hold the developing fetus during its nine months of gestation.
Anatomically, the female reproductive system may be divided in the following manner:
– External and visible part: it also known as vulva and comprises the mons pubis, labia majora and minora and minor labia, clitoris and vaginal orifice.
– Internal part: the main reproductive organs include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.
The main function of the male reproductive system is to produce and propel male sex or sperm cells upward in the vagina towards the fallopian tubes.
Two main parts can be distinguished:
– External organs: they comprise the penis and scrotum.
– Internal organs: they comprise testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculator duct, prostrate and part of the urethra.