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The limbs are structures that are attached to the trunk. Their mission is performing big movements and they are formed by 126 bones, which correspond to arms, legs, pelvis and scapular waist or shoulders.

Upper limbs

There are two of them and they each have 64 bones. Each limb is born from the shoulder, continues with the arm, then the forearm, the wrist and finally the hand.
The shoulder has two bones: the clavicle, located near the sternum and the scapula or omoplatus, found at the back of the thorax.

The arm is made up by a long bone (humerus), which is connected to the shoulder at the top and to the forearm at the bottom. The latter is connected to the elbow.

Further down we have the wrist, which allows the articulation of the hand. The eight carpal bones are born from the hand. Then we have the five metacarpals, and finally, the 14 bones called phalanges.

Lower limbs

They consist of two limbs that total 62 bones between them. They are formed by the pelvic waist (pelvis), the femur or thigh bone and the bones of the legs and feet.
The pelvis is made up by the coxal bones, the sacrum and coccyx. The femur (thigh bone) is the longest bone of the human body. The bones of the leg (tibia and fibula) are born at the knee and go all the way down to the ankle.

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